Thursday, 9 April 2009

Free software

Please use this post to share links to and ideas about useful music software resources. If you have access to this blog feel free to edit and add to the info below. If not please email suggestions to dougbott'at' (where the 'at' should of course be @):

Free / very cheap software, useful for schools & musicians
Notam DSP - Audio sequencing software
Kristal - another audio sequencer
Soundplant - play audio files from computer keys (or via a switch box)
Ambiloop - virtual audio loopstation
Audacity - free wave editor with fx
Guitar FX Box - a virtual fx processor, great for connecting a mic to a pc to use echo, reverb etc. on the voice - costs 20 euros
One Switch - web-site listing a bunch of switch accessible music software
Whitecap - Audio visualiser software. Platinum version ($30) responds to mic / line-in
Audio Hijack Pro - for grabbing audio from anywhere on your computer (Mac only). License costs $32 but can use without a license for any 'hijackings' up to 10 mins.
iShowU - for recording anything you're doing on your computer screen, audio or video (Mac only). $30
MAX - for changing any kind of audio file into any other kind of audio file (Mac only.)

Software schools may already have which can be used for music
MS Powerpoint

Sounds, MIDI files & other resources

Free audio plug-ins (probably not appropriate for most schools)
Soundhack - lots of interesting dsp tools
Destroy FX - does exactly what it says...

More challenging Free audio software (probably not for schools!)
Bome's MIDI Translator - control almost anything in your computer via midi
Pure Data - a bit like max/msp but free
Super Collider - a code based audio programming language, very steep learning curve but sonically it is excellent and once you get your code right it is very robust