Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Northwest Update

we now have a few songs in our repertoire: Space Oddity - David Bowie, Womaniser - Britney Spears, 7 Nation Army - white stripes and a few nursery rhymes for one of our younger charges (twinkle twinkle and frerer Jaques). Martin an Sean - both pupils of landgate school, are coming on leaps and bounds with singing and in seans case keyboard skills and Connor is finding his voice. check these clips:

Connor vox

Frerer Jaques


This is Sean's first go at vocals and he was quite nervous but he did a fantastic job. Its worth noting that martin used to be happiest learning songs with a backing track and plenty of practice.. this is the second time through straight off the page. apologies for excessively loud keyboard - we have a better recording which I will try and put up...

Sean has let on that he has written a couple of songs himself.. hopefully we'll get to hear some of them next week and get his input for a song for the project.

on Nov 17th we're due to visit the wigan stadium with pupils from both schools we're gonna video our trip and then get a sound track together to accompany the visuals hopefully for performance next year...

see you soon
