Monday, 1 March 2010

Out with a bang!

Hello from Drake South West!
'All Things Must Pass' was the title of a solo album by George Harrison. He was right of course, and in light of that, Digital Beginnings at Penrose School concluded just before February half term. Since I last wrote, we completed the last few music sessions and went out with an appropriate bang - a performance in the hall on the last day of term, to which we invited the rest of the school as well as parents and carers of our musicians. It was a good turnout, and I can safely say that a good time was had by all. Many of our musicians really shone in the limelight - 2 students didn't quite feel like being on stage and one wasn't well, but out of 19 that wasn't bad!
In the final week, we also recorded a version of each of our four tracks: 'Sea Shanty', 'Ghostly Song', 'Farm & Country' and 'Number 7'. Each student took a CD home, and we also left copies with school staff. Overall, the outcomes from this project have been really pleasing. Liz Tebbutt (deputy and Music Coordinator at Penrose) has asked if we can come back and do some more sessions at a later date. If you would like a taste of what we got up to, have a look at the video of our performance, which was kindly filmed by Chris Tebbutt.
Thanks, Alex.

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